Thursday, October 2, 2008

Hayden's First Fieldtrip

So i guess it is safe to say that Hayden likes preschool. Who wouldn't with cool field trips to the FIRE STATION! Rick went too and they got to eat a sack lunch - which was a first for Hayden. I am not sure which he was more excited for - the fieldtrip or the sack lunch. He wanted to pack it at 7 am that morning. It was all I could do to make him wait. He also made sure I knew that DADDY was going with him and not me. I will admit, I was a little bummed. I like fire engines too! The last picture just makes me laugh. Of course all the kids but mine are standing there listening to the fireman explain how the fire truck works. Hayden had to be the one to touch it all and see how much he could climb on. What can I say? He is just like his dad..... ooops I was supposed to put mom - according to Rick. Well he should be typing this. Ha Ha So after it was over I asked him how it was and if he liked it. He said - not really. It was kinda boring. I guess we can cross firefighter off the list.


Grandma Beth Grandma Beth What fun to visit with them! said...

Way to go Hayden!!! Get in that fire truck and check it out! I can see him checking out the ambulances and mail trucks next! Gee, that birthday cake for Hayden should have been BLUE...Glad to hear he liked the top of the cake at least...all the more for Joshy!

Shane's Angie said...

Hey Girl! What a cute family you have! Your boys are darling, it is so fun to "see" you! I will be returning, so keep it up!

BrittanyLane said...

So funny. I'm always surprised at the things my kids don't really care for.