Thursday, September 11, 2008

"So sad to start pre-school all alone in the world"

So he did it but he wasn't happy about it! He cried for a couple of days before it even started. He said he was going to miss me. Ohhhhh how cute! Once he got there he was fine which seems to be the common story among moms with new pre-schoolers. I wondered if I would be sad or a little bit sentimental about my baby going to school but all I can say is that I am so excited for him to have some new experiences. It is fun to watch him grow up. It is also nice to have an hour or two to spend just with Joshy. I think he is loving having ma ma and da da all to himself!


BrittanyLane said...

He's such a smart kid. I'm sure he will love it! I'm a gigantic fan of preschool.

Grandma Beth Grandma Beth What fun to visit with them! said...

Who knew. Who knew that Hayden would grow up so darn fast, and be so darn smart. He says things each day that totally surprise me, and catch me off-guard. He is a darling big brother to Joshy and, ...I am sure... will teach him very quickly. There probably is not too much in preschool Hayden does not already know.He is so cute to watch!!